Mind Challenging Presentation by Derek Handley

What is success?

Does the person with the most toys win?

What about the company with the biggest dividend.  Are they the winner?

What about if you make people happy? – surely clowns must be the most successful people on the planet.

Derek Handley was interviewed last night in front of over 300 people at the ASB Arena in Tauranga, and asked: ‘What is success?’, specifically with regard to business.  Derek talked of a need for businesses to change how they measure success, and to incorporate social as well as financial measurements.  He challenged New Zealand as a country to lead (just as we have with nuclear arms), by creating business models that reward social responsibility as well as financial success investigate this site.

Probably most memorable for us at Delve was his call to embrace the fringe; for businesses to harness diverse viewpoints and use these to uncover opportunity.  We like that thinking.

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