Bay Venues s


With millions and millions of dollars worth of assets under its control, Bay Venues is a very very large business. Consisting of eight different business units with around 30 different venues for the people of Tauranga including: ASB Arena, BayWave and the Mount Hot Pools.

In their quest to have customers who are not only loyal, but are raving fans, Bay Venues asked us to help them understand what customer really value.

We spoke to customers: regular customers; casual customers; lapsed customers; pairs of customers; small groups of customers, to get a handle on how Bay Venues’ various facilities meet their needs; what they are doing right, and what they could do better.

We covered a number of their key Business Units: Clubfit; Events at the ASB Arena; the OSCAR programme; Baywave and BaySwim; and the Hot Pools.

As a result Bay Venues knows what drives loyalty, they know what they need to deliver to meet and exceed customer expectations at each of their key Business Units.

From here we are working with Bay Venues to develop a way to measure and monitor customer satisfaction on an on-going basis, to ensure they are doing the best that they can.

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